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david bell international school search
prep and primary

4-11 years

Class Raising Hands

This is such an exciting time to be a child - a time of discovery and excitement.  Moments of awe and wonder.  In short, this is the stage in a child's education that set's the course for their entire future and is a time worthy of experienced and knowledgeable support. 


Having worked in this sector for twenty years, I have experienced every type of preparatory (fee-paying) you are likely to come across.  From larger settings often attached to established senior schools and giving the opportunity for a continuous transition without changing schools at 11 or 13, to smaller, nurturing settings focusing upon educating the whole child, to highly academic schools with more traditional values.  At no time more than now does it hold true that one size does not fit all.


"One size really does not fit all." 


With expert knowledge of this sector, David Bell Educational can guide you through the minefield of taster days, interviews, academic assessments, and admissions departments. 


More than at any other time, you will be spoilt for choice - from mixed schools to single-sex, from traditional to forward-looking, I can advise you on registration processes, deal with the school's admissions teams and help you find a shortlist of schools your child will love. 


Traditionally, the private sector saw children transitioning at 13+, but many preps now transition their children at 11+ in line with the state system, but both systems still prevail and, of course, I can advise on this.























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